Monday, August 22, 2011


Last week it rained alot, the water in my cave started getting up to my knees, couldnt lay down, so i finally had to push the rock away from the entrance and let myself out.  IT WAS MY FIRST TIME OUTSIDE in a while, so i was happy to leave the hole in the ground, which has only one small light in the corner and theres nothing ever to do down there.  LEAVING the cave felt good because I finally got fresh air and saw more STUPID LIBERALS.  I walked the run down streets of the hood at three in the morning and saw lots of people ON GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE going into the gas station to buy cigarettes, FOUR LOKOS, BLUTWRAPS, 30 racks, etc.  Unless your rich thats pretty much all theres to do around here.  After all their making 55000 a day so it would be funny to see the CEO of verizon picking up a pack of Newports.  Buying beer for under-21's is a far more HONORABLE thing to do than be Verizon CEO and make enough money to buy two new cars a day while denying your employees the same thing.  Id rather be a drug dealer than a CEO.  At least the dealer has to work for their money.  Cant hang out up at the ISLANDS anymore becasue of Smokey the PIG.  The local PIGS are out on the streets all the time, i cant believe they havent busted some of the parties ive been to.  Maybe they should be called birds instead of pigs, because thats how stupid they are.  Fifty cars on a street where theyres usually only ten, id take that to mean that a parties going down around there.  Anyway, i hope they stay stupid, so none of the parties get busted.  Unfortunatley i have to crawl back under my rock next week, once the cave dries up a little.  Wish i could stay above ground in the fresh air for a little while longer, it just gets sad seeing how eveybody else puts up with living under CAPITALISM

Monday, June 13, 2011

Nine steps to create Absolute Freedom

1. Destroy the IRS/FED and associated beauracracy.  The is no need for thousands of rules, exemptions, tax breaks, and loopholes.  There also is no need for forms or paperwork.  As for the FED, it is a unaccountable defender of the evil worldwide banking system.
2. All income over $250,000 is collected and put in a general pool for redistribution.  This is not done by the IRS, and there are no forms, codes, or otherwise useless paperwork.  Its as simple as it sounds.  Every cent over $250,000 goes in the collective fund.  It then is used to fund social security and medicare, and leftovers are redistributed according to need.
3. Destroy all banks, investment firms, stock markets, and credit card companies, and absolve everyone of their debt.  This will end the problem of resources being leeched out of the economy by the parasitic ruling class.  That's right, the upper class are parasites feeding off the labor of the working class, which are the only productive individuals.  Only labor counts. Land, capital, and enterpreuership don't count as valid forms of input into the economy.  Destroying the banks will solve this problem.
4. Stop all imports.  This will ensure that the end of banking does not result in a massive outflow of goods, resources and manufacturing from the US.  In order to stablize the other countries, give them free goods and services that are surplus in the US.
5. Destroy all man-made laws and release all prisoners.  This includes everything passed by state, congress, etc.  ie. laws against robbing banks (there wouldn't be anymore left to rob anyway) and doing drugs.  Natural law against killing, adultery, etc.  are the only ones that need to continue to be a part of society.  Release state and federal prisoners in favor of private vigilante inprisonment for the victims in violent crimes.
6. Destroy the concept of currency and exchange.  All goods and services must be freely given according to need, and must also be freely reicived.  Ie. the farmer must freely give up his grain to the collective pool, knowing he may also freely take other things he needs from the collective pool.
7. Destroy the concept of working for a wage.  Take the previous idea one step further, since currency no longer exists, it is possible to freely add to the collective pool and take from the collective pool without having to exchange anything on a personal basis.  You only make what you make yourself, or what a group of people agree to manufacture.
8. Destroy the concept of national pride and man-made borders.  Since property is theft, there is no reason to designate a specific area of land as yours, and countries can destroy their opressive borders which restrict the free movement of people.  National pride and patriotism must also disappear, so that no one can convince people to kill for "their country." 
9.  Destroy all man-made governments.  This is the final step.  Once rulers and hierachies are gone, the world can see absolute freedom.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Propulsion system for Moon landing Prototype


I'd rather live on the Moon

What would the world look like without capitalism?  Imagine all the big banks crumbling in one day.  All the governments in the world disappear, and new ones are not put in their place.   Most people seem to like capitalism, but why?  Ten years after its collapse, would we really be as bad off as the Republicans keep saying?  Grass grows between the cracks in the pavement where an interstate used to be.  Cars and trucks, no longer needed in this world line the median, rusting until all the metal returns to the ground.  This is the only way people will survive on the earth.  Industrialization and technology only benefit a few powerful people who use the labor of common people to their advantage.  More importantly, it has slowly been destroying the earth with global warming and bad air.  Within fifty years, whether conservatives like it or not, we will have to return to the way things were in 1800.  The world can not sustain people's greedy destruction of the natural habitat.  The best part is we'd have no government anymore.  Now there's thousands of laws controlling every aspect of our lives.  Imagine how much better it would be not to be ruled by any laws?  As it is now I can barely take living in this world and having to obey laws I don't think I should have to.  Right now I think the best country to live in would be Somalia, although many people who feel they need laws would probably disagree.  But I think the best place to live is on the Moon.  I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a bunch of people who hate capitalism but like freedom to the Moon, and stay there.  I'd be a lot happier there then here.